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Norske Kunstforeninger

ENAAK – Kids and Youth Participation in the Art Societies

Med Hilde Marie Pedersen fra Bergen Kunsthall
Vertskap: Norske Kunstforeninger
19. November kl. 16.00

19.november er Norske Kunstforeninger arrangør. Vi har fått med oss formidlingsleder Hilde Marie Pedersen i Bergen Kunsthall, som skal fortelle om kunsthallens tilbud til barn og unge.

ENAAK er et samarbeidsorgan for de europeiske søsterorganisasjonene Norske Kunstforeninger, Riksförbundet Sveriges Konstföreningar, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Kunstvereine (ADKV) og The Finnish Art Society. Nettverket arrangerer fire webinarer årlig for de europeiske kunstforeningene.
Webinaret foregår på engelsk.

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Kids & Youth participations in the Art Societies
The programme of Bergen Kunsthall spans across of three different areas, or “legs”: exhibitions, live programmes, and learning activities. All three are integral aspects, connected and ideally considered together from the start – rather than mediation and learning being parallel or separate add-ons, the programme aims to actively work with these concerns across multiple levels of access, and topics or themes are expressed through all areas of the programme. BKH’s learning programme for young people and engagement activities for all ages are developed with a belief in the importance of education as part of a major institutional programme. Because of this strategy, Bergen Kunsthall was in 2018 nominated for Best Educator at NPU, which is a national member organization whose purpose is to strengthen the position of art and culture in society through increased public competence. The main reason for the nomination was Bergen Kunsthall`s work with youth, and especially their project Young Art Connoisseurs (YAC), founded in 2017. In this lecture Hilde Marie Pedersen, who was part of developing the project, will talk more about Bergen Kunsthall`s ambitions towards kids and youth. She will emphasize their work with YAC but will also highlight other projects related to their efforts to attract young people into the institution.


Hilde Marie Pedersen is Head of education at Bergen Kunsthall. She holds a Master’s degree in art history from the University of Bergen (thesis: From Place to Place. Land Art in Norway – Fragments of a Story’, 2004). Since 2007 she has been the head of Bergen Kunsthall’s learning and engagement team. She is also responsible for and teach art theory at Kunstskolen i Bergen (The Art School in Bergen).

Hilde Marie Pedersen is Head of education at Bergen Kunsthall FOTO: Bergen Kunsthall